Yoga Beginner’s Guide to 200 YTT School

Type “Yoga School” in Google and it will come up with thousands of results. With yoga becoming popular around the world, there is no doubt you would come across thousands of 200 YTT schools. Put simply, the 200 YTT refers to beginner-level yoga teacher training which is designed for all beginners.

Choosing the best yoga school from thousands of results is not an easy task. Therefore, yoga experts have come up with some things you should look for in the 200-hour YTT school.

5 Things to Know When Looking for 200 YTT School

Given below are 5 things you should keep in mind when looking for a yoga school.

1. Offers Safe Yoga Practice

Yoga is a gentle art that helps you enjoy good mental and physical health. However, you should keep in mind that it does have its share of injuries. You should look for a 200 YTT school where the lead teacher does not believe in the “one size fits all” philosophy. They should be able to teach safe body alignment and balancing techniques.

2. Helps Deepen Yoga Knowledge

For you to become a certified and knowledgable yoga teacher, ignoring yoga anatomy is not a wise decision. It is an important part of the entire YTT journey. Knowing yoga anatomy helps you experience yoga asanas on a deeper level.

You also learn why breathing plays such an important role in yoga. Yoga experts recommend that you enroll in a yoga school that offers in-depth lessons on human anatomy in their yoga teacher training program.

3. Teaches Yoga Texts

A certified yoga school offers you lessons in the philosophical aspects of yoga. You learn the physical as well as mental and spiritual aspects of this spiritual art. The teachers help you read ancient yogic texts like Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to understand the true spirit of yoga.

Look for a 200 YTT school that offers lessons in foundational texts of yoga-like the Bhagwad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Upanishads, and Yoga Sutras among others.

4. Helps Practice Teaching

Even if you are not sure about teaching yoga in the future, learning to do so is an invaluable skill. Look for a 200-hour yoga teacher training school that offers a space for you to learn and showcase your yoga teaching ability.

5. Yoga Alliance Certification

Yoga Alliance is an international non-profit organization that has laid down the protocols and rules for teaching yoga around the world. If you plan to teach yoga in the future, then enroll in a yoga school affiliated with Yoga Alliance. It improves your chances of getting employment as a certified yoga teacher with a reputed yoga studio. Also, if you want to open your own yoga studio the certification makes you a trusted authority for teaching yoga.

Keeping in mind the five things mentioned above would help you make the most of yoga teacher training.

Benefits of Enrolling in 200 YTT School

That said, let us take a look at what makes the 200 YTT school such an attractive option for you.

1. Increases Knowledge

That is right! A 200-hour YTT school provides you the opportunity to dive into the rich history and origins of yoga. At the same time, it also creates an opportunity for you to know yourself. Moreover, it also helps you learn the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of this sacred art.

2. Helps Form New Perspective

As stated above, the yoga teacher training school changes your perspective for the good. It helps you understand the functioning of the human mind, body, and soul with in-depth knowledge.

In other words, the YTT school makes you realize that the mind is an adaptable component of the self and you can mold it as you see fit. Embracing this new mindset helps you step into the future with increased mental strength and toughness.

3. Helps Find Balance

In our present world where all you can do is keep running, yoga teacher training comes as a blessing. However, a certified yoga school helps you find the perfect balance between the external and internal world. In the long run, this prepares you to help others find balance in their lives.

4. Gives a New Career Path

If you are tired of the 9 to 5 grind and want to bring about a good change in your life, enroll in a certified yoga school. Not only do you learn and acquire a new skill, but the yoga school also prepares you for an exciting career that helps you earn and evolve on an individual level.

Do you want to understand the mental and physical aspects of yoga? It is time you enroll in a certified 200 YTT school to learn this spiritual art from experienced yoga teachers.

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