Partner Visa 300

Are Partner Visa 300 Holders Able To Travel To Australia?

The Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 is granted to an applicant marrying an Australian citizen or permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen. Partner visa subclass 300 is a temporary visa and is valid for only nine months. If you wish to stay in Australia after these nine months, you must apply for the 801 and 820 Visa Subclass during your stay in Australia. During this period, you must be married to your partner.

By reading the following sections, you can clear your doubts regarding the Visa Subclass 300.

Can Prospective Marriage Visa Holders Travel To Australia?

Some confusion has indeed risen in the Australian Department of Home Affairs about whether Partner Visa 300 holders can travel to Australia. Here are some key points to help you understand the whole thing.

  • If you have applied for your visa more than one year prior to submitting the application, the Department of Home Affairs may grant you individual exemption.

  • Butt, you should note that you have to apply for this exemption as you cannot receive it automatically.

  • You will still need to satisfy the other requirements to receive the travel exemption. Thus, you should apply for the exemption in a period of 2 months to 2 weeks before traveling to Australia and providing a travel itinerary.

  • It means you have to plan any travel to Australia much earlier.

  • For a smooth and secure trip to Australia, you can consult any qualified migration agent in Adelaide. Top-rated migration agents know the essential tricks to convince the Immigration Department and can inform you about the possibility of visa approval.

What Are The Eligibility Requirements For The Partner Visa 300?

There are different eligibility criteria for both the visa applicants and the sponsors. So, before you apply, be careful about it and check whether you can meet those requirements.

For visa applicants

  • The age of the visa applicant should be more than 18 years.

  • When lodging the application and the visa decision, you should not be physically present in Australia.

  • Should satisfy the relationship criteria.

  • You must get your sponsor from your fiancé.

  • Must meet the specific health and character requirements.

  • If you have any debts to the Australian Government, you must have repaid them or at least made some repayment arrangements.

  • You have to provide strong evidence that you are going to marry an Australian permanent resident or citizen or an eligible citizen of New Zealand.

  • Must have adequate knowledge about your prospective partner.

  • Have to provide evidence that you have met your partner in person.

For sponsors

  • Are you the sponsor? Then, you must first prove that you are the finance of the visa applicant.

  • Like the visa applicant, the sponsor should also meet specific character requirements.

  • In the last five years, you should not have sponsored any other partner.
    As a sponsor, you will be held responsible for:

  • Your fiancé’s compliance with the visa requirements

  • The money your fiancé owes to the Australian Government, and

  • The employment of your fiancé in Australia.

For family members

This visa will allow you to include your family members in the application, like your dependent children or stepchildren. They will also need to obey the same visa conditions after receiving the visa. In addition, they can enjoy the same rights as the main applicant.

What Are The Benefits Of a Prospective Marriage Visa?

Partner Visa 300 will allow you to stay in Australia for nine months, and in that period, you can enjoy the following benefits.

  • You can stay with your spouse in Australia.

  • This visa allows the applicant to work for an Australian employer.

  • You can travel within and outside Australia as many times as you wish.

Can You Receive Medicare Benefits Under a Prospective Marriage Visa?

Medicare is the national healthcare scheme of Australia that is provided to Australian citizens and permanent residents. You will need to marry an Australian citizen or permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen for the Prospective Marriage Visa. It is also one of the requirements to qualify for receiving Medicare benefits. In addition, you should also have applied for the 820 Subclass Visa.
Once you have lodged your 820 Visa application, the Department of Home Affairs will send you an acknowledgment of the application and a grant letter of the Bridging Visa. In short, to be eligible for Medicare, you must hold or at least have applied for a permanent Australian visa.

What Is The Application Fee For Prospective Marriage Visa 300?

  • For the principal applicant, the application fee is around AUD 7850. This fee can change anytime, depending on the circumstances. So, it is always better to take a look at the cost before applying.

  • Additional fees will be required for secondary applicants, and the fees will vary according to their ages. Children under 18 will cost less, while those over 18 will cost much higher.

What Are The Other Costs That You Have To Keep In Mind?

In addition to the application costs, you will have to bear other expenses too. These costs will be for receiving the essential eligibility documents, including medical examinations and health check-up fees, specialist fees, charge for character clearances, and cost for translating documents in another language than English. Additional costs are also required for issues if identified.

The Department of Home Affairs will analyze each application, and the costs may vary according to circumstances. If you hire any visa agent Perth, they may also charge you a fee for the services.

Processing Of The Visa Application

  • Once the Department of Home Affairs receives the application, it starts processing it. For 75% of visa applicants, the visa applications get processed in 24 months. On the other hand, 90% of applications get processed in 28 months.

  • It is a global average and depends on the personal situations of the applicants and the possibility of application approval.

  • Depending on the time the external agencies take to issue the certificates, the visa application processing may be a delay. These agencies include health organizations, police departments, Government, etc. These situations cannot be avoided and thus you cannot control them.

  • However, there are also other factors that you can control to make the application process faster. Lodging a complete application is one of the prerequisites. You must gather all the necessary documents early so that you cannot miss anything to submit.

  • Sometimes, authorities may ask for more pieces of additional information. Be prompt in your response whenever you ask to.

What Will Happen After You Receive Your Prospective Marriage Visa?

Once you receive your Prospective Marriage Visa then you can enter but you cannot marry your fiancé (sponsor) before your initial entry to this country. Another point you should note here is that it is not mandatory to have your wedding in Australia.

Final words

The swifter you are, the faster the application can be process. Thus, whenever the Department asks you something, you must not waste a single minute responding. During your stay on the Prospective Marriage Visa 300 you may apply for the eligible visa you require to live permanently.

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