MavenUp Creatives

Step by Step plan to improve the domain authority of website

Google’s algorithm is well guarded of all, but we know that the #1 search engine considers hundreds of factors to rank different websites. Domain authority is one of them and has become very important in recent years.

The authority of a domain (which you can find under the acronym DA for Domain Authority) represents the credibility and esteem granted by Google. It is a score between 0 and 100 assigned to each website and describes the search engine’s trust.

Domain authority is a significant indicator since it will initially provide an overview of the overall performance of your website. This factor will also allow you to see where you stand against the competition. It will therefore be important to carry out a competitive analysis in the field of natural referencing as in other fields. This score will also impact your positioning in Google’s result pages, which is why it is so important not to neglect it.

By knowing the domain authority of other websites, you will be able to choose the highest-rated and most credible ones in the eyes of Google to establish a link-based relationship with them, which can benefit you.

Now, let’s see together the actions to be put in place to increase your website’s domain authority.

9 Simple Steps to Increase Your Domain Authority

You now know how domain authority works. Let’s take a look at the 9 steps that will improve it:

Step 1: Choose the right domain name

Think carefully about your domain name if you are new to the business. It should match your website’s identity and be easy to find and remember so that visitors can find you easily.

It is also possible to buy an old domain if you do not want to create one.

Step 2: Optimized content

SEO plays an essential role in your domain authority score. So make sure that you optimize your site’s content very well, particularly by correctly including the title, description, and image tags.

For quality content, the keyword strategy will be necessary. For example, think of semantic keywords  (or LSI keywords) to complement your primary keywords and broaden your semantic field.

Step 3: Create content that appeals

The goal here is to regularly create quality content, which will generate clicks and conversions and be more likely to be shared by visitors to increase your visibility.

And the more relevant, informative, and well-written your content is, the more other sites with a high authority score will be able to link to it. It will only help to increase your domain of authority.

Step 4: Improve your internal linking

Internal links, like external links, are very important for natural referencing and should not be neglected. These links allow visitors to your website to better navigate between your pages, and this helps to improve the user experience and increase the duration of Internet users’ sessions.


Internal links will also allow search engines to index your entire website better.

Step 5: Remove dead and bad links

Remember to analyze your website from time to time to ensure that there are no backlinks from wrong sources or dead links. It is vital to remove these links, negatively affecting your domain authority.

The Ahrefs tool allows you to monitor your incoming and outgoing links and make an inventory of broken or lost links.

Step 6: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

These days, many internet users use their smartphones to view websites. Make sure yours is “responsive” and can adapt to different formats. Otherwise, you will be strongly disadvantaged, your positions on the results pages will be strongly impacted, and you will lose many visitors.

Step 7: Optimize the loading speed of your pages

Internet users have little patience and want smooth navigation. A low loading speed can lead to disastrous consequences. Most visitors will leave your website quickly, and this will lead to a high bounce rate.

The Google PageSpeed tool will allow you to check the loading speed of your pages quickly and the actions to be taken to improve it and make it faster.

Step 8: Promote Your Content on Social Media

We have seen it in the misconceptions about SEO to ban. Social networks are extremely important. Therefore, it will be essential to promote your content there and encourage interactions with Internet users through likes, comments, and shares.

Step 9: Become an authority in your niche

Strengthen your brand identity and e-reputation by offering quality content in your field. As mentioned just above, this will be reinforced by your engagement with your community on social networks.

Page Authority Basics

Unlike domain authority, which applies to an entire website, page authority, as the name suggests, is measured only from a single page.

Measuring the authority of your pages individually will allow you to observe and measure the effectiveness of your different strategies put in place.

Therefore, it will be possible for you, on a page with low authority, to analyze what lowers its score with Google and compare it to other high-performance pages to determine the changes to be made.

Keep in mind that the authority of a page is not 100% accurate but will give you a good idea of ​​the performance of the pages that make up your website.

3 practical tips to increase your page authority

You have learned how to increase your domain authority. Now here are three practical tips to improve and grow your Page Authority.

1. Create new content

Update and create content regularly. The more informative, relevant, and quality your content is, the more likely it will be shared and used by visitors and other high authority websites. Both of these factors are crucial for your Page Authority and therefore focus on creating new content.

2. Earn backlinks

External links, also called backlinks, are very important. Here, it is not the number of backlinks that is important but the quality of these links.

For example, if a website displays a link pointing to your domain in their blog posts. Then your brand will be introduced to their community, which will broaden your visibility and increase traffic to your website.

And of course, the more this website is considered a trusted site by Google, the more valuable these links will be, and the more quality the traffic generated will be. It’s a bit of a virtuous circle!

How to get external links?

First, offer good content that will be of interest to others.

Next, don’t neglect to promote on social media, where other websites are more likely to find you.

You should also use links pointing to other authority sites in your articles and pages. Some might notice this and do the same for your website.

Finally, you can write articles for other websites that will earn you external links while increasing your domain authority.

3. Use images

Using images, especially original ones, can positively impact your page authority. In addition, it has several advantages:

  • The content will be easier to read: only written content may seem unattractive to your visitors. Images will provide more visual and readable content.
  • Images are easier to share. Users will be more likely to share visual content than written content, primarily via social networks.
  • Improve your SEO with the help of images: Google considers the use of images to complement the written content. However, to identify them, it will be essential to use ALT tags, which are very important for indexing images and informing Google of the subjects they cover. In these tags, use SEO keywords to get better references on the search engine.


Domain authority remains a priority and represents a long-term investment with great potential. It can significantly improve the referencing of your website.

If you want to promote or work on a particular page, you can only increase page authority with the various tips.

The key is to be methodical and to implement strategic actions. Focus on domain authority when launching and building your brand, and focus on page authority if you want to promote a specific page using a primary keyword, for example.

Besides, if you want to improve these factors by hiring a professional digital marketing agency, contact MavenUp Creatives.

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