4 Reasons Why Men Get Night Sweats and How to Treat Them

4 Reasons Why Men Get Night Sweats and How to Treat Them

Normally, the body’s mechanism to cool itself is through sweating. When the air temperature rises, when you are exercising, or even when you are feeling anxious or nervous, it might lead your sweat glands to produce perspiration, which are then carried to the skin’s surface. However, there may be instances that excessive sweating may occur, leading to extreme effects such as night sweats. This is commonly experienced by men. You may not know that waking up drenched in sweat, even when your room is not that hot or your blankets are not too heavy, can be a cause of something serious. Furthermore, excessive sweating at night could be a condition that is worrisome and uncomfortable. With this, there are multiple underlying reasons as to why men get night sweats which you must be aware of.

Night sweats are actually an unpleasant experience for almost everyone. They are male hot flashes that occur at night, and cause sweating. They are usually experienced by men who are 40 years of age, or older. You may initially think that sweating is just normal because of the body’s temperature regulation system. However, you might be mistaken. Night sweats are not caused by external factors such as the temperature inside your room, or your blankets. Rather it is caused by certain underlying health conditions that you must have addressed.

Some of these conditions in getting night sweats would be because of low testosterone levels, anxiety and stress, sleep apnea, hyperhidrosis, and many other more. Excessive sweating at night can also vary in severity. But then, it is actually severe enough to soak through the bedding. Thus, you must be aware of these to know whether you have to immediately address them, as a measure to prevent night sweats.

Low Testosterone Levels

Low testosterone levels may lead to high chances of night sweats. It is actually the most common symptom of having low levels of this hormone. One’s body produces less testosterone as they age, thus, this condition is common for adults 40 years old and above. Causes of having low testosterone levels include injury, medications, certain health conditions, and even alcohol abuse as well, if not for aging.

With regards to the treatment for low testosterone levels, doctors may recommend testosterone or hormone replacement therapy, as a means to raise the levels. It may be in the form of injections, topical gel, or patches. Additionally, it can also be treated by addressing the other underlying cause of the low hormone levels.

Anxiety and Stress

Excessive sweating at night can also occur particularly when you are dealing with anxiety or stress. You may not recognize it, but these emotional symptoms can cause so much as drenching in sweat while you sleep. Studies have found that short and long term anxiety can cause sweat glands to be more responsive in this state. Instances like having to go to bed anxious or being stressed about something, means that you are going to bed with your brain functioning actively. This, then, leads to night sweats.

Without addressing what causes your anxiety and stress, it may lead to having a huge impact on your daily life. You might even experience other physical symptoms apart from sweating. It includes increased heart rate, dizziness, feeling of short breath, and even aches and pains at some parts of the body. But then, if your anxiety is chronic, and you have been experiencing night sweats more often than ever, you might have to talk to a therapist. They may help you deal with the source of anxiety, and treat them in a certain way they would recommend, such as relaxation techniques, therapies, and medications.

Sleep Apnea

There are times that night sweats indicate sleep apnea. This is actually a sleep-related breathing disorder, causing one to repeatedly stop and start breathing while sleeping. This condition typically occurs in men. It develops when tissue in your throat blocks your airway. Or when a stroke or other medical issue affects the ability of your central nervous system to function properly.

You may not be fully aware of this condition at all. The way you will realize that you are going through something, apart from night sweats, would be feeling tired during the day, waking up often in the night choking or gasping for breath, having a sore throat when you wake up, having trouble focusing, mood symptoms, and the like. And since sleep apnea is a serious condition, you must have it checked by a healthcare provider. Thus, then, they will recommend certain treatments to address this. Part of the treatment may include lifestyle changes like losing weight, exercising, and even avoiding too much alcohol intake. Successful treatment of sleep apnea may result in resolving related night sweats.


Everyone knows that sweating is a normal response to warm temperatures, being too active, and nervousness or fear. However, there are times that the nerves activating the sweat glands send them signals even when you do not need to sweat. This leads to excessive sweating, which is also referred to as hyperhidrosis. It is an abnormal condition not directly involving heat or exercise.

There are two types of hyperhidrosis: primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary, or idiopathic, is excessive sweating that happens for no clear medical reason. It may be just because you have inherited it from one of your family members. Secondary hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, has an underlying cause such as a medical condition, or may be induced by medication.

When you have hyperhidrosis, you may not just experience night sweats. You may also sweat through your clothes, during the day, notice sweat on your feet, palms, face or underarms, and other occurring sweat on multiple areas of your body. This may turn out to be bothersome in a way that affects your sleep or day-to-day life. If this is the case, you must reach out to your healthcare provider. Then, they will recommend the proper treatment for this, including prescription medications. Other treatments for this may include having to go through nerve-blocking medications and Botox injections.

Key Takeaway

If you are experiencing night sweats frequently, you can try to initially address them by lowering the temperature in your bedroom, sleeping with thinner blankets, and avoiding hot drinks or spicy foods just before going to bed. But then, if these changes do not actually help in lessening your excessive sweating, it might be a good idea to talk to a health professional. You may not know, but night sweats are sometimes a cause of something serious such as having low testosterone levels, going through extreme anxiety or stress, sleep apnea, or hyperhidrosis. By then, if they diagnose you with these conditions, they will certainly recommend treatment plans for you to relieve this type of symptom. It is still possible to find relief for this. Thus, once addressed, your night sweats will subside. Then, you will be back to a more comfortable sleep, and even increase the quality of life.

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