essay writing

5 Ways to Improve Your Academic Essay Writing Skills

Anyone may learn how to write an academic essay once they understand the fundamentals of essay writing. The thesis of an academic essay must be well-reasoned and supported by appropriate evidence, whether it comes from other sources or comes from the author’s investigation. An established set of guidelines is used in the vast majority of research. Even if you’re pressed for time, you can still produce worthwhile essays by keeping in mind a few basic rules of academic essay writing:

1. Make an outline

The first step in writing an academic essay is to have a clear notion of what it will be about. Make sure you know exactly what you want to convey to your audience. Your key thesis and argument will be more clearly defined if you write an outline before beginning the writing process. 

This structure includes an introduction with your thesis, a body with several sections discussing evidence to support that argument you provided in the introduction, and a final conclusion where all of your materials are connected and summarised. 

There are many students who are unsure of how much proof they need while writing an academic essay for the first time. Make sure to provide three key points to back up your thesis if you’re writing a professional guide. In case of any doubts, always consult an expert offering essay assignment help services.

2. Prioritise the main argument while giving strong evidence

When writing an academic essay, keep your main argument in mind at all times. Your writing will become less focused and more scattered if you deviate from the main point of your essay.

Always ask yourself, “Does this actively support my thesis?” before including any evidence in your essay. No, such evidence should generally be ruled out if the response is “no”. Be analytical and thorough while assessing evidence. In order to prove your point, you should rely on the most robust sources of evidence. It’s important that everything you include is directly related to your argument.

3. Choice of vocabulary

In academic essay writing, the way you employ words is critical. It’s important to keep in mind when writing an academic paper that your goal is to persuade the reader that you are a subject matter expert who is capable of presenting a well-reasoned argument. When people overcompensate in their writing, the opposite effect is often achieved: it is easy to discern when someone is using big words only to sound sophisticated. 

The risk of using a term wrongly increases when you are unsure of its exact meaning. You should think twice before pulling out the thesaurus to switch out that perfectly good word with something altogether different because using esoteric language might also detract from the clarity of your argument.

4. Work on your grammar, punctuation, and writing style

If you want your academic essay to be taken seriously and understood properly, you must pay attention to grammar, style, and punctuation to proofread my essay. A solid grammar foundation includes the following: verb/subject agreement, article/pronoun usage, and sentence structure. Do not even begin writing your essay until you have these essentials down. Refresh your memory of the various punctuation marks. The use of a comma is vital in the correct usage of punctuation. 

In academic essay writing, even the tone of voice is important. The active voice should be used whenever possible, while the passive voice should be avoided. The tone of your academic essay will improve as a result of this trick. Remove transition words, which just serve to divert attention away from your main points.

5. Craft an impactful conclusion

The conclusion of an academic essay is often disregarded. What connects your research to your thesis is the conclusion. A repeat of your argument or a copy-and-paste job from your introduction will not do. 

A well-written conclusion summarises the main points of the essay and connects them to the thesis to explain how the evidence supports or contradicts the thesis. There have been some excellent writings that have been ruined by ambiguous, poorly phrased conclusions. That is not what you want your next essay to be about.

Qualities of a well-crafted academic essay

Everyone can write an essay but only a few can write quality stuff. So, let’s explore the elements that distinguish a well-crafted essay from the normative ones:

1. Clear and concise

When you’re demonstrating your inventiveness, the number of pages you’ve written is irrelevant. Indeed, you must keep things simple and your language should be understandable to your viewers. Additionally, the quantity of pages you’ve written has little bearing on your inventiveness. That is why you must keep your article concise and straightforward. If your essay is lengthy, unclear, and does not relate to the main topic, it is pointless. Thus, the first characteristic is that you should strive to keep your essay simple and clear.

 2. Coherence

The term “coherence” refers to the act of combining two distinct entities. The paragraphs’ unity is critical when writing an essay. If you have a solid thesis statement, their connection will endure until the finish, and this statement will govern the remainder of your essays. It plays a critical part in the creation of a successful essay.

3. Write relevant to the subject

It is impossible to cover all elements of a topic in an essay, and thus it is distinct from other forms of writing. It is important that the points and proof you use are relevant to the subject matter. You need to gather evidence to support your claims so that the reader can be persuaded that they are accurate and relevant to the issue.

4. Include transitions

Because transition words connect two words, phrases, and even paragraphs, they play a crucial part in drafting a high-quality essay. In the essay above, we emphasised the necessity of unity and relevance, and transitions are the words that maintain the connection between paragraphs and the essay’s relevancy. Because they enhance the essay’s aesthetic appeal, transitions are an important part of the writing process.

The takeaway

In colleges and universities, you’ll have to write several essays. To avoid this, you should start learning the art of writing an academic essay to end your struggle once and for all. Follow these tips to improve your essay writing abilities.

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